John Moxham Internationally Renowned Naval Architect and Ultimate Boats

John Maxhom - RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Boat
John Moxham

Internationally Renowned Designer Revolutionises Hydrodynamic Hull Performance with Ultimate Boats

Ultimate Boats (UB) has launched a brand-new range of high-speed, best-in-class powerboats designed by internationally renowned naval architect, John Moxham.

Moxham, who is 86 (in 2021), has had an illustrious career in the marine industry, from designing military high-speed craft through to creating the UK’s fastest RNLI lifeboat (E-Class Mark I).


Novi marine – Press release Gemini WR1060 GRP Cabin RIB

Novi marine – Press release Gemini WR 1060 GRP Cabin RIB @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Boat
Gemini Waverider WR1060 GRP CABIN RIB

Steenbergen, November 6, 2020

For immediate release

Novi marine introduces the Gemini Waverider WR1060 GRP CABIN RIB

Based on the now proven WR880 and WR1060 RIBs, the South African Gemini Marine has released a new version with a completely renewed cabin, of which the first demo model has now been completed by novi marine.

This Cabin RIB has been specially developed for professional use in coastal waters by, among others, emergency services and maritime service providers, arising from the demand from the commercial market to better protect personnel against the weather conditions during longer stays at sea.


RIB Hub Brugge Marine Center Summer Events 2017 and Deals

Brugge Marine Center logo 853 @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Boat

Brugge Marine Center (BMC) is the main RIB (Rigid Inflatable Boat) dealer in Belgium.

They often organize RIB and open-house events. They offer an extensive range of RIBs like Capelli, Solemar, Heaven, Zodiac, Osprey, Bombard, Avon and Highfield.

If you’re looking for a good deal on a second hand RIB, click here. BMC also sells trailer brands as Vanclaes, Riba and Pega and they also offer outboards like Yamaha, Mercury, Suzuki and Yamaha.

Check out these 2017 events by Brugge Marine Center and meet many RIB enthousiasts in a great environment.

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