Gemini Waverider 1060 Cabin Version

Gemini Waverider 1060 Cabin Version @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Boat
Gemini Waverider 1060 cabin

Cabin RIBs always get my attention somehow as is with this Gemini Waverider 1060.

A cabin can be located in the lower deck with berts. But that’s not what I’m talking about here.

It’s the cabin Rigid Inflatable Boat that has a mounted and protective console offering space for two or more. Some have berts as well.

The picture must be perfect to hold my attention though. Such a RIB is the Protector 8.5, the Madera Pilot and some other ones.

I in particular like the setup of this Gemini WR 1060.

Adding a cabine however makes it no longer trailerable for me as it surpasses 3.5 metric tons with twin engines.


Benelux dealer is located in The Netherlands: Find the renderings and features of this Gemini WR 1060 cabin below. 

Gemini WaveRider 1060 Cabin

Gemini Waverider 1060 Cabin Version @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Boat
Specs and layout

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