Belgian Pneumaticlub Magazine 126 Free Download

LE PNEU N° 126

Belgian Pneumaticlub Magazine 126

In our shop you can download all magazines of the Belgian Pneumaticlub to for free.

Some background information

The magazine is in French.

In line with the objectives of its founder, Michel de Hemptinne fonde le Belgian Pneumaticlub (BPC) en 1976, the Club offers many nautical activities in inland and maritime waters and thus continues to promote the versatility of this type of boat which is enjoying growing success with the public.

The club is also the pleasure of being on the water with friends, of participating and learning to organize navigations that we would not undertake alone. Without forgetting the additional safety potential offered by navigation in a “flotilla”.

Each year, the Club draws up a calendar of outings intended to meet everyone’s expectations: maritime or inland navigation, day or multi-day, in Belgium or abroad, nautical holidays, etc.

They publish a magazine. This one’s the “Belgian Pneumaticlub Magazine 126”.

Where they are

Siège Social et Club-House
Chaussée de Vilvorde, 172
B-1120 Bruxelles

On the Web


BPC Nieuwpoort Dieppe Étretat 2023 in Three Days

Nieuwpoort Dieppe Étretat Round Trip

The Belgian Pneumaitclub is mainly about the pleasure of being on the water with friends, of participating and learning to organize navigations that we would not undertake alone.

Without forgetting the additional safety potential offered by navigation in a “flotilla”.You’ll find more videos and magazines free to download here on

This adventure had a round trip of 330 nautical miles, covered in three days.

BPC Nieuwpoort Dieppe Étretat 2023 @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Boat
French coastline

The video was published on the BelgianPneumaticlub YouTube channel.

RIBs ONLY is member of the club.

Nieuwpoort to Lowestoft Wonderful RIB Adventure

Nieuwpoort to Lowestoft

Departing from the well-known Belgian Port Nieuwpoort to Lowestoft (UK) members of the Belgian Pneumaticlub went on an adventure.

The weather was fine and they were well equipped with safety at the forefront.

From Lowestoft they headed south to Ipswich passing Felixstowe and went up to Pin Mill.

All happy faces!

About BPC

The Belgian Pneumaticlub has a familial character. They organise many trips in Belgium and abroad. You can watch some of their videos here. They also have a Facebook group.

She is located in Chaussée de Vilvorde, 172, B-1120 Bruxelles, Belgique.

On this page, you can download for free some of their very informative magazines and annual plans for free, giving you a good idea of the club and its activities.

Beautiful Baleares Tour 2018 by Belgian Pneumaticlub

To the Baleares!

Another great trip done by some members of the Belgian Pneumatic Club back in 2018: around the Spanish islands .

The total distance covered was 650 nm.

It’s a half an hour family video so sit back and relax.

More videos and information from the club.

Don’t forget to check this page to download their magazines for free.

BPC Baleares Tour 2018 @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Boat
BPC Tour 2018

Get Inspired by RIB Magazines and RIB Raids

Download Magazines and RIB Raids for free in the Shop @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Boat
Download Magazines and RIB Raids for free

Plan your own RIB Raids

Perhaps your RIB is in winter storage and you have secured your outboard.

An ideal time to browse the webshop for free downloads of magazines and RIB raids.

Be inspired by the stories and routes that other RIBbers undertook. You could find that great trip that is ideal for you.

You want to share your own trips, raids or rallies? That’s just awesome. Contact me here.

Belgian Pneumaticlub (B)

Don’t hesitate to go out together with the Belgian Pneumaticlub if you live in the neighbourhood of Belgium. Great family trips. Or just hook up with a RIBs ONLY member.

Download their magazines here for free.

Contact details: Siège Social et Club-House, Chaussée de Vilvorde, 172, B-1120 Bruxelles, Belgique – emailwebsiteFacebook group

Club del Gommone (IT)

This is an Italian Milan based association of RIB enthusiasts and is a not–profit organisation, founded in 1970.

You can download for free their impressive raids.

Contact details: Via dei Ciclamini 23, Milan, Italy – e-mailwebsiteFacebook group

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