The video showcases the initial footage captured during Sergio Davì’s latest adventure, where he dedicated his trip to the ‘Lighthouses of Italy’.”
Sergio Davì is a renowned adventurer, widely recognized for successfully completing numerous exceptionally challenging crossings.
Delve into an extensive collection of videos, offering a comprehensive view of Sergio Davì’s remarkable adventures and challenging crossings.
This video was published on the NonsolomareTV YouTube channel. Passione nautica e motonautica, reports, content, and curiosities from the world of shipbuilding broadcast daily on SKY channel 229 and digital terrestrial channel 402.
Christophe Lavigne, President Highfield USA made a breaking announcement!
“While Highfield is reaching over 30% market share in North America, we wanted to complete our RIB offering with the addition of much larger and sophisticated boats.
Our new partnership with Nuova Jolly will be official at FLIBS, and we are delighted to invite the industry to our launch.
Teo Aiello, the famous adventurer and general manager of Nuova Jolly will be with us to share his recent transatlantic adventure!
Join us with this new strategical investment in the RIB segment.”
On 9 February 2023, members of the Club del Gommone held a winter RIB run on the beautiful Lake Como in Italy to open the season.
This 52nd edition of the Invernale started this year from Vercurago at the Cantiere Bolis on Lake Garlate.
After leaving the boatyard, the group sailed north to exit Lake Garlate and, after a short stretch of the River Adda, entered Lake Como just in front of the city of Lecco.
From there, they went up the lake for about fifteen miles, passing Abbadia Lariana, Mandello, and heading for Punta Spartivento di Bellagio, recognizable by the cliff that separates the lake into two branches.
Near the cliff, as is tradition, they toasted with an auspicious aperitif to start the season.
After the aperitif in the water, they returned to Vercurago (around 14:00-14:30) for an additional aperitif, which by then will have become a snack, at the Bar Restaurant ‘Il Molo’ opposite the boatyard for the 2022 edition.
There was no participation fee.
As a good organiser some agreements were made:
On Lake Garlate, you may not exceed a speed of 10 knots.
Under the bridges along the stretch of river connecting the two lakes, you must not exceed 5 knots
The Club del Gommone is an association of pneumatic boat owners founded in Milan in 1970 with the aim of gathering all nautical pleasure enthusiasts and promoting nautical tourism. The Club organizes gatherings, raids, and competitions, and is non-profit and apolitical. The Club is known for its organization and educational initiatives, making it one of the most respected nautical clubs.
Where they are Currently due to renovations, the temporary headquarters are at the Centro Pavesi Via Francesco De Lemene 3 Milan. We meet two Wednesdays a month from 21:30 to 24:00
Departing from the well-known Belgian Port Nieuwpoort to Lowestoft (UK) members of the Belgian Pneumaticlub went on an adventure.
The weather was fine and they were well equipped with safety at the forefront.
From Lowestoft they headed south to Ipswich passing Felixstowe and went up to Pin Mill.
All happy faces!
About BPC
The Belgian Pneumaticlub has a familial character. They organise many trips in Belgium and abroad. You can watch some of their videos here. They also have a Facebook group.
She is located in Chaussée de Vilvorde, 172, B-1120 Bruxelles, Belgique.
On this page, you can download for free some of their very informative magazines and annual plans for free, giving you a good idea of the club and its activities.
This nice video shows us the impressive history of 10 years RIB Adventures by Sergio Davi using different RIBs (Rigid Inflatable Boats). in partnership with Suzuki Italia.
Davì discusses the importance of reliable and high-performance equipment for his adventures and praises Suzuki for providing him with the necessary tools for success.
The video also includes a brief interview with a representative from Suzuki who emphasizes the company’s commitment to quality and innovation.
It showcases Davì’s impressive accomplishments and highlights the importance of strong partnerships between adventurers and reliable equipment providers like Suzuki.