Belgian Pneumaticlub Magazine 126 Free Download

LE PNEU N° 126

Belgian Pneumaticlub Magazine 126

In our shop you can download all magazines of the Belgian Pneumaticlub to for free.

Some background information

The magazine is in French.

In line with the objectives of its founder, Michel de Hemptinne fonde le Belgian Pneumaticlub (BPC) en 1976, the Club offers many nautical activities in inland and maritime waters and thus continues to promote the versatility of this type of boat which is enjoying growing success with the public.

The club is also the pleasure of being on the water with friends, of participating and learning to organize navigations that we would not undertake alone. Without forgetting the additional safety potential offered by navigation in a “flotilla”.

Each year, the Club draws up a calendar of outings intended to meet everyone’s expectations: maritime or inland navigation, day or multi-day, in Belgium or abroad, nautical holidays, etc.

They publish a magazine. This one’s the “Belgian Pneumaticlub Magazine 126”.

Where they are

Siège Social et Club-House
Chaussée de Vilvorde, 172
B-1120 Bruxelles

On the Web


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