Nieuwpoort to Lowestoft Wonderful RIB Adventure

Nieuwpoort to Lowestoft

Departing from the well-known Belgian Port Nieuwpoort to Lowestoft (UK) members of the Belgian Pneumaticlub went on an adventure.

The weather was fine and they were well equipped with safety at the forefront.

From Lowestoft they headed south to Ipswich passing Felixstowe and went up to Pin Mill.

All happy faces!

About BPC

The Belgian Pneumaticlub has a familial character. They organise many trips in Belgium and abroad. You can watch some of their videos here. They also have a Facebook group.

She is located in Chaussée de Vilvorde, 172, B-1120 Bruxelles, Belgique.

On this page, you can download for free some of their very informative magazines and annual plans for free, giving you a good idea of the club and its activities.

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