The video showcases the initial footage captured during Sergio Davì’s latest adventure, where he dedicated his trip to the ‘Lighthouses of Italy’.”
Sergio Davì is a renowned adventurer, widely recognized for successfully completing numerous exceptionally challenging crossings.
Delve into an extensive collection of videos, offering a comprehensive view of Sergio Davì’s remarkable adventures and challenging crossings.
This video was published on the NonsolomareTV YouTube channel. Passione nautica e motonautica, reports, content, and curiosities from the world of shipbuilding broadcast daily on SKY channel 229 and digital terrestrial channel 402.
In this episode of the Coastal Rambling series (checkout parts 1, 2, 3 and 4), the crew sets off from Evenes with a new member, Stig, a seasoned CAD Designer.
They embark on a journey north to Tromsø, excited about the upcoming adventures.
This video is part four of the Coastal Rambling series: chasing cod.
In this installment, the team is exploring deeper into the Lofoten Islands, and they’ve got a special guide to lead them: Roar, a seasoned local fisherman who knows the area like the back of his hand.
Starting the day on Roar’s quaint island, they soaked up the rich history of fishing in this region, learning about the generations of local inhabitants whose lives have been intertwined with the sea.