Brugge Marine Center RIB Trip River Leie May 2023

Brugge Marine Center RIB Trip @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Boat

Brugge Marine Center RIB Trip Amazes Again

During the year, Bruges Marine Centre (BMC) organises RIB trips (Rigid Inflatable Boat).

As every year, there is a cruise on the beautiful river Leie. So was this one in Flanders, Belgium.

Cruises are also organised abroad in fantastic locations.

The Belgian-located company led by Kris Deraedt will hold an open day during the weekend of 17 and 18 June 2023.

Checkout the previous one and more posts.

It’s always interesting getting to know them and visit their halls with also second hand RIBs.

People come from far to checkout their offerings and the Brugge Marine Center RIB Trip planning.

Checkout the slideshow below and be part of this trip.

All photos are courtesy of BMC.

Proud to share that Brugge Marine Center (BMC) is a good Friend of RIBs ONLY.

Capelli Tempest 750 Sport Action Packed Video

Tempest 750 Sport Showcase

This high-energy promotional video for the RIB of this Italian based shipyard shows its high-performance.

In the video, you can catch glimpses of the good manoeuvrability and “state of the art “minimal” design of the RIB. It’s truly an awe-inspiring sight to behold!

The Tempest 750 Sport is seen performing sharp turns, jumps*, and other manoeuvres that showcase its power and agility.

Not only do you get to see some action-packed shots of the boat but you also get to witness the remarkable beauty of the location.

Checkout more Capelli videos here.

Capelli Tempest 750 Sport Hull @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Boat
A view on the hull

This video was published on the Cantieri Capelli YouTube channel.

*only for experienced skippers

Cruise into the Cool RIB Boatshow at BMC March 2023

BMC organizes a RIB Boatshow on their premises to provide you with the best selection of Rigid Inflatable Boats from top brands, including Technohull, Salpa, Capelli, Osprey, Highfield, BSC and more.

A RIB boatshow of this scale is unique in Belgium and will take place from March 4 to 12, 2023.

No matter what size and power you need they will be able to help you out.

Would you like to buy a Rigid Inflatable Boat (RIB) but you are not sure how or where to start? Let this article inspire you in 10 thoughts.

Cruise into the Cool RIB Boatshow at BMC Defender @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Boat
Admire the new Defender amongst the many RIBs

Proud to share that Brugge Marine Center (BMC) is a good Friend of RIBs ONLY.

RIBs Smaller Than 4 Meter 10 Brands with ChatGPT

RIBs Smaller Than 4 Meter 10 Brands with ChatGPT @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Boat
Can ChatGPT help with listing up RIBs Smaller Than 4 Meter?

For an article on RIBs smaller than 4 meter worldwide, I thought ChatGPT could be of some assistance. If you’re not familiar with this conversational AI-tool, check out this page.

While the trend in the world of fantastic Rigid Inflatable Boats is leaning towards larger sizes, the “smaller” ones remain necessary, making entry into this world more accessible.

So 4 meter was my parameter number 1.

Will ChatGPT help me to provide a full list of RIBs smaller than 4 meters (great video by the way).

I started with a lot of enthusiasm and ran my query multiple times, adapting it to get the desired result.

I noticed that it was a mix of brands that differed from each other to a lesser extent. So I began to worry about the precision of the ChatGPT neural network even in this stadium.

Only when I pointed out that some information was incorrect did the tool excuse itself and provided more accurate information about RIBs smaller than 4 meter. That was awesome.

So I still had to “correct” the items in the list and added the links myself.

I learned that the formulation of the question must be very clear to get what you want. It’s like working with software developers.

It certainly wasn’t all doom and gloom; I really enjoy(ed) working with ChatGPT, albeit with some nuances in the answers. Privacy, safety, and copyright are certainly things to be aware of!

I really liked being able to have a conversation to delve deeper into the subject matter of RIBs smaller than 4 meter. This concept motivated me to keep going and achieve better results; in contrast to Google, for example.

That said, below is a 10-item list of RIBs smaller than 4 meter of worldwide brands.


Famous RIB Boat Show @ BMC 4 – 12 maart 2023

Famous RIB Boat Show @ BMC 4 - 12 maart 2023
@ Brugge Marine Center

Experience the world of rigid inflatable boats (RIBs) at Brugge Marine Center’s RIB boat show from 4 to 12 March. Led by Kris Deraedt, explore their state-of-the-art selection of RIBs and discover why this type of boat has been growing in popularity.


As every year, they have an extensive range of stock models available in our showroom, where you can choose both recent used RIBs and beautiful demo models.

The Boat Show’s collection

This winter’s selection of offers is extensive and varied, featuring a great range of second-hand RIBs from popular brands like Technohull, additional new stock models from Salpa and more famous brands like Highfield amongst others.

You can choose between no less than 4 different engines as well: Yamaha, Mercury, Suzuki and Honda.

Their team is as always ready for you at any time.

RIBs ONLY will be at this boat show.

Proud to share that Brugge Marine Center (BMC) is a good Friend of RIBs ONLY.

RIB Boat show @ BMC 4 - 12 maart 2023
@ Brugge Marine Center

About BMC

On May 1st 1987 the Deraedt family, were able to take over the Brugge Marine Centre. The years that followed were not only dedicated to reorganisation but also to the development of a robust marketing plan and the search for new market segments.

For several years now, Brugge Marine Centre is also one of the most flexible, fastest growing companies of its kind.

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