Capelli Tempest 750 Sport Action Packed Video

Tempest 750 Sport Showcase

This high-energy promotional video for the RIB of this Italian based shipyard shows its high-performance.

In the video, you can catch glimpses of the good manoeuvrability and “state of the art “minimal” design of the RIB. It’s truly an awe-inspiring sight to behold!

The Tempest 750 Sport is seen performing sharp turns, jumps*, and other manoeuvres that showcase its power and agility.

Not only do you get to see some action-packed shots of the boat but you also get to witness the remarkable beauty of the location.

Checkout more Capelli videos here.

Capelli Tempest 750 Sport Hull @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Boat
A view on the hull

This video was published on the Cantieri Capelli YouTube channel.

*only for experienced skippers

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