Great Short Apex Ambulance RIB Presentation

The A-33 Apex Ambulance

This Apex RIB (Rigid Inflatable Boat) is a specialized boat designed for emergency medical services (EMS) and rescue operations. This A-33 is made for professionals.

This 10-meter RIB includes a large cabin. The boat’s design is optimized for stability and speed.

With a deep-V hull and high-performance outboard engines it can reach speeds of up to 60 knots, according to Apex.

The company’s head quarter is located in Costa Rica, has a presence in more than 50 countries around the world and has been in operation for 35 years.

I’ve published more Apex videos here on for you to enjoy.

Apex Ambulance RIB @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Boat
Apex Ambulance RIB specs

This video was posted on the Apex Boats YouTube channel.

Impressive BIBOA RIBs Video – 2003 to 2010 in 4K

Upgraded BIBOA RIBs Video

For an optimal viewing experience, adjust the YouTube video settings to 4K: navigate to “Settings,” then select “Quality” and choose 2160p (4K).

The original footage had room for improvement, and efforts have been made to enhance its quality as good as possible.

This video showcases numerous Rigid Inflatable Boats (RIBs) for enthusiasts to appreciate, spanning the years between 2003 and 2010.

The original music on this video made YouTube state that “this video contains copyrighted material. As a result, it has been blocked in some countries and/or regions”.

Here’s another video by BIBOA that got a lot of great comments in our Facebook group.

The British Inflatable Boat Owners Association (BIBOA) is/was(?) the UK RIB club for those who like to cruise and socialise in Rigid Inflatable Boats. The Association was formed in 1990 following the first Round Scotland cruise/race and is recognised by both the RYA and the UIM as the UK National Authority for Rigid Inflatable Boats.

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