Ullman’s Approach to Get Cockpits Fit for Task

Ullman at HSBO

CEO Carl Magnus Ullman from Ullman Dynamics gave an impressive scientifically based presentation on the HSBO 2018 about the importance of mitigation seats in combination with consoles.

Preventing injuries is the ultimate goal.

The outcome of their thorough research applies to us all, whether you are a pro or a pleasure boater, tall or small.

I’m nearly 2 m and weigh about 96 kg and I must say that during all my testing of motorboats I never encountered a “body safe” place behind the console. Mass production has the upper hand.

Ullman Dynamics range @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable boat
Ullman Dynamics range 2022

No wonder why their product stands out of the competition and I’m not just saying that because they’re a Friend of RIBs ONLY.

They are scientifically proven to provide better shock mitigation than any other seats. That’s why their product sets the ultimate benchmark and the standard.

I know for certain that some of you here know how important serious seats are for the health on short but especially on long term and being able to perform the job in rough seas, day after day. Sometimes at high speeds…

Intriguing ZULU 33P Outside Sandhamn Sweden

A RIB Brand Called ZULU

The Zulu 3310 is a versatile RIB designed to offer a fast and stable ride in difficult sea states.

It is strong with offshore requirements in mind and the appropriate material for that purpose, built by the Swedish Zulu Marine AB. Read the impressive specs below!

I’ve posted the announcement earlier here on RIBsONLY.com.

“We’ve been building sea-worthy vessels to challenge your driving skills and provide you with a thrill since the first boats were created.

The experience we’ve gained from constructing vessels for challenging conditions, like races and military missions, is sure to benefit you as you plan your next voyage.

We never want safety concerns or restrictions to get in the way of great driving experiences.”

This video was published on the Zulu Marine YouTube channel



GEMINI’s Best Selling RIB: WR880

GEMINI's Best Selling RIB: WR880 @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Boat
GEMINI’s Best Selling RIB: WR880 @ RIBs ONLY – Home of the Rigid Inflatable Boat

The Patrol-, Rescue-, Leisure- or Commercial- … the International best selling model is the @geminimarineboats WR880 according to GEMINI Marine.

“It has proven itself time and time again with our loyal customer base.”

As you can see in the photos, the layout is designed for the special purposes.

Proud to share that GEMINI Marine and novi marine are very good Friends of RIBs ONLY.

Humber Assault 4.3 m RIB

Built for the Assault

Even though it’s a small Humber Rigid Inflatable Boat (RIB), it looks very impressive and it does credit to its assaultive look and feel.

This model series stands out as our most affordable option, making it ideal for those with budget constraints.

This series is a flawless selection for individuals interested in smaller-sized models.

Additionally, it offers fuel efficiency, contributing to overall cost savings.

The largest model is an 580.

I’ve published more Humber videos here on RIBsONLU.com.

This video was published on the Humber Ribs YouTube channel


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