Tornado 7.8 m RIB Sun Cruiser Edition

A Sun Cruiser Edition

Meet the Tornado 7.8m RIB Sun Cruiser in this video—a blend of leisure and style.

Despite the less-than-ideal video quality, it effectively conveys the essence, much like these other videos do.

The Rigid Inflatable Boat (RIB) features a sun deck, extended bench seat, fridge, and hi-fi system for the ultimate relaxation on the water.

About Tornado

Tornado Boats, a pioneering brand with over 40 years of product innovation, stands as a global leader in rigid hull inflatable boats (RIB/RHIB).

Their diverse range, from small tenders to spacious passenger boats, finds application across commercial, government, military, tourism, diving, and private sectors worldwide.

Tornado specializes in crafting exceptionally robust RIBs with unique design features, ensuring durability and confidence in varied conditions—from the Polar Ice in Greenland to the sun-drenched southern hemisphere.

This video was published on the Tornado Boats Channel on YouTube.


Tornado RIBs Event Boats Short Impressive Shots

Large Tornado RIBs

For over four decades, Tornado Boats has been a pioneer in crafting Rigid Inflatable Boats (RIBs) designed for both events and seafaring.

They started in 1975 in England. Their first RIB was a 5.5 m equipped with a 50 hp engine, which was considered quite substantial during those days.

Nowadays they more than doubled in size.

Tornado RIBs Event Boats @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Home
Flagship Tornado RIBs event boats

They are now located in Lystrup, 5 kilometers north of Aarhus, Denmark.

I’ve published more Tornado RIB videos for you to enjoy. Just click here.

This video was published on the Tornado Boats Channel YouTube channel.

BIBOA RIB Race 10 – 16 June 1990 – improved quality in 4K

The British Inflatable Boat Owners Association (BIBOA) is/was(?) the UK RIB club for those who like to cruise and socialise in Rigid Inflatable Boats (RIBs).

The Association was formed in 1990 following the first Round Scotland cruise/race and is recognised by both the RYA and the UIM as the UK National Authority for Rigid Inflatable Boats.

This video shows many fantastic looking RIBs. It really is a must see RIB video. The race was called “Highlands and Islands RIB Race” held from 10 to 16 June 1990.

I improved the video image quality and upscaled it to 4K. To enjoy it to the fullest, change the settings in the YouTube video to 4K: click settings then quality then 2160p (= 4K).

RIB School Scheveningen newest addition – Tornado 8.5

RIB School Scheveningen newest addition - Tornado 8.5 @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Boat
The newest addition

A brand new Tornado 8.5 m RIB with 300 hp joins the already impressive fleet of the RIB School Scheveningen (The Netherlands). It’s their 5th addition.

25 years ago, the Hague Rescue Brigade hired both founders as lifeguards. They learned a lot about the immense power of the sea during those years and this has inspired their respect for it.

With this crucial knowledge in mind, safety and excellent equipment have the highest priority at their RIB School. And that’s how we like to see it!

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