Aftermovie Martini Beach Party 2022 BMC

Always in for a Beach Party at BMC

Another angle at this great fleet of RIBs during the party down the river Scheldt! It was organised by Brugge Marine Center, Belgium. Here you’ll find two more videos of their successful beach parties.

Proud to share that Brugge Marine Center (BMC) is a good Friend of RIBs ONLY.


RIBbing for Artic – Crew and Videos

RIBbing for Artic - Crew and Videos @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Boat

I would like to invite you to checkout the videos of the epic expedition: RIBbing for Artic from our Greek friends. Take some time off and be part of the great team lead by Thomas Panagiotopoulos, a friend of RIBs ONLY.

Meet the crew of this breath-taking adventure using a Suzuki powered Seafighter Y36.

The design of the cabin and its deck was perfectly adapted to their needs, offering a high level of ergonomics and functionality.

SRA-900 OB Piloting Training Zodiac Milpro™

Zodiac Milpro’s team of experts will train pilots to optimize the use of the Rigid Inflatable Boat.

Level 1: Seamanship Basic Piloting – How to safely pilot your boat until sea state through basic breakdown.

Level 2: Tactical Piloting – Boarding, beaching, capsizing, towing day and night in rough water.

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