Wave Passage Guidance 2 Beaufort Make no Mistake

Wave Passage Guidance in the Raz de Sein

Refresher course in sailing in rough seas this time for Alexis by OLM Perfectionnement Mer Formée.

Make no mistake, force 2 Beaufort in the Raz does not mean calm seas on the Douglas scale as you can read in this link.

Check out more videos of learning to drive in high waves here on RIBsONLY.com.

Wave Passage Guidance 2 Beaufort Make no Mistake @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Boat
Wave Passage Guidance 2 Beaufort

This video was published on the OLM Perfectionnement Mer Formée YouTube channel

Retrospective 2022 How to Pass Big Waves

How to Pass Big Waves: a Special Skill

This video looks back on the year 2022. It’s about advanced courses to improve navigation in heavy seas from 3 to 5 Beaufort in the Raz de Sein, France.

OLM Perfectionnement Mer Formée” translates into the “OLM Advanced Training in Formed Sea”.

OLM stands for “Office de la Mer et des Littoraux,” which is a French organization that provides training for boaters who want to improve their skills and knowledge in navigating through rough waters, particularly in waves and choppy conditions.

In this way the trainee learns how to pass big waves. I’ve posted more videos for you to enjoy like here, here and here.

Retrospective 2022 How to Pass Big Waves @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Boat
How to Pass Big Waves

This training is designed for experienced boaters who already have a basic understanding of boating techniques and safety practices while minimising the risks of accidents and injuries.

It makes it relevant for those who navigate in coastal or offshore waters, where the sea conditions can be unpredictable and challenging.

If you listen carefully you can grab some tips and advice. It is in French though and the author did not active subtitles.

This video was published on the OLM Perfectionnement Mer Formée YouTube channel.

Impressive Learning Pass and Jump Waves Wind

How-to Pass and Jump Waves Safely

Many of us have probably been in a situation where the wind picked up and the sea was agitated; after all, you had checked the weather and sea conditions beforehand. There are a lot of good apps for that, by the way.

This video by “OLM Perfectionnement Mer Formée” shows a training session for advanced boat handling techniques in challenging seas.

The session took place in the Raz de Sein area of Brittany, France, and features a RIBCRAFT RIB (Rigid Inflatable Boat) with a single outboard.

he training includes techniques such as passage through waves and jumping over them, with the instructor demonstrating and providing guidance.

You should definitely watch this video as well.

The video was published on the OLM Perfectionnement Mer Formée YouTube channel.

Learning Pass and Jump Waves Wind Force 5 @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Boat
Learning Pass and Jump Waves

Advanced Sea Training Nautical Brigade of Dunkirk

Sharpening Skills

The Dunkirk Nautical Bbrigade (National Police DDSP59) wanted to improve its technical skills in terms of navigation for its security missions, surveillance in the port of Dunkirk, on the SEVESO sites, intervention in the context of the fight against immigration clandestine, etc.

Advanced Sea Training

On the OLM program there was reading and analysis of the passage of waves, on-board electronic management, group cohesion and hardening through evolution in an anxiety-provoking environment.

I’ve published another video about this kind of adequate training.

Bold 95 knots ZULU 33P Nordic Explorer Ullman Seats


“Our experience from building race and military vessels ensures that you are well prepared to challenge the sea and your driving skills to achieve your goals. We believe that the pilot’s fitness should be the limiting factor, not how the vessel is built.”

Team Zulu has an impressive background in composite manufacturing and are at the forefront in building high-performance boats for individuals, racing teams and police/military.

For such usage Ullman seats were chosen. Check out these videos for more Ullman Seats.

Their boats are designed in cooperation with Adam Younger and Petter Martens some of the best designers in the industry and members of RIBs ONLY – and built in Vaxholm, Sweden.

You can find the specs through this link.

So proud to share that Ullman Dynamics is a good Friend of RIBs ONLY.

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