Two RIBs at the Boca Raton Inlet (USA)

A Zodiac MilPro™ RIB and a big Sacs RIB navigate at the Boca Raton Inlet is located on the East Coast of Florida 24 miles south of West Palm Beach and 16 miles north of Ft. Lauderdale near Intracoastal.

The skipper of the Milpro™ seems confident and masters the waves in a calm and well-thought-out manner.

Thanks to Boat Zone.

RNLI – Float to Live – Dave and Brian’s Story

Do you know which five-letter word could save your life? Float.

When fishermen Dave and Brian fell into the water by a wave that hit the boat from behind, this five-letter word helped save their lives.

And this is why you and all your passengers always should wear lifejackets to help you and them to keep afloat.

I want to express my absolute respect for the RNLI that went out that night to save both men and getting them home alive.

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