What Engine Maintenance Tips Apply to RIBs?

Credit Siggy Nowak via Pixabay

What Engine Maintenance Tips Apply to RIBs?

Outboard or inboard engines are the lifeblood of any Rigid Inflatable Boat (RIB), providing the power necessary to propel you through the water with speed and agility.

This blog post covers fossil-fuel engines. Also take not of my 10 safe fuelling tips.

Just like any other mechanical equipment, engines require regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance, reliability, and longevity.

Check out my 4 rules for top-notch RIB maintenance.

Whether you’re a seasoned RIB owner or a novice enthusiast, here are 10 essential engine maintenance tips. If you’re not so technical, rely on your dealer. Here are my 10 points to answer “What Engine Maintenance Tips Apply to RIBs?”.


BIBOA RIB Race 10 – 16 June 1990 – improved quality in 4K

The British Inflatable Boat Owners Association (BIBOA) is/was(?) the UK RIB club for those who like to cruise and socialise in Rigid Inflatable Boats (RIBs).

The Association was formed in 1990 following the first Round Scotland cruise/race and is recognised by both the RYA and the UIM as the UK National Authority for Rigid Inflatable Boats.

This video shows many fantastic looking RIBs. It really is a must see RIB video. The race was called “Highlands and Islands RIB Race” held from 10 to 16 June 1990.

I improved the video image quality and upscaled it to 4K. To enjoy it to the fullest, change the settings in the YouTube video to 4K: click settings then quality then 2160p (= 4K).

The Worlds Fastest Hybrid RIB Clocks at 104.2 Knots – It’s a Bernico!

It’s been rumoured for some time but now it’s gone public.

The Worlds Fastest Hybrid RIB clocks at 104.2 Knots. It’s a Bernico International! CEO and owner is the Belgian Nico Bertels, a well-known boat builder and race pilot with a fantastic palmares.

He won many (!) titles and his son Buby is following in his footsteps.

He sells boats that are well-liked all around the world, and have won lots of awards. One of his biggest secrets is the shape of the hull, the most important part of any boat.

It took the company 4 years to build this head-turning full carbon Rigid Inflatable Boat (RIB). Jon Olssen (S) is the lucky owner of this military looking unique RIB called “c’est normal”.

The actual ride is the next video so stay tuned.

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