Why a Top 10 of the Best RIBs is Pointless

Why a list of the Best RIBs is Pointless
Collage of some YouTube channels screenhots by Karel Overlaet – Medianuat

A Top 10 – Introduction

On YouTube, I came across some videos listing the best RIBs. This prompted me to write this article.

Rigid Inflatable Boats (RIBs) have gained immense popularity in recent years due to their versatility, durability, and performance.

As a result, numerous websites and publications often compile lists of the “best” RIBs on the market.

While these top 10 lists may seem helpful at first glance, it is important to recognise that such rankings can be highly subjective and may not necessarily reflect your specific needs and preferences.

In this article, I delve into the reasons why relying solely on a top 10 list to make your RIB purchase decision is simply pointless.


How to Recover a RIB on a Trailer by Jon Mendez

Recover a RIB on a Trailer: Some Tips

The video provides instructions on how to recover a boat onto its trailer by Jon Mendez of Motor Boat & Yachting.

It emphasizes the importance of maintaining slow speed and control during the process.

Jon suggests aligning the boat straight on the trailer for easier recovery.

There are two options for driving the boat onto the trailer: driving it all the way onto the hitch or leaving a meter of distance and using a winch for the final bit.

Tide levels and proper positioning in the water are crucial factors.

Jon mentions the significance of clear hand signals and ensuring the trailer is in the water enough.

How to Recover a RIB on a Trailer by Jon Mendez @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Boat
How to Recover a RIB on a Trailer by Jon Mendez

Then he shows the process of aligning the boat with the trailer and securing it using a winch and straps.

To conclude he discusses post-recovery tasks such as flushing the boat, cleaning the trailer, and checking straps before driving.

This video was published on the Motor Boat & Yachting YouTube channel. Filmed and edited by Richard Langdon (http://oceanimages.co.uk/).

Checkout other well-selected videos by Jon Mendez here on RIBsONLY.com.

How to Launch Your RIB From a Trailer by Jon Mendez

Launch Your RIB Without Stress

Looking to make slipway work a hassle-free experience while out on the water?

Boating enthusiast and instructor Jon Mendez shares his comprehensive guide on how to successfully launch your boat from a trailer, taking away the stress associated with this task.

His guide covers all of the essential steps you need to take in order to ensure that your boat is safely launched and ready for your next adventure.


Retrospective 2022 How to Pass Big Waves

How to Pass Big Waves: a Special Skill

This video looks back on the year 2022. It’s about advanced courses to improve navigation in heavy seas from 3 to 5 Beaufort in the Raz de Sein, France.

OLM Perfectionnement Mer Formée” translates into the “OLM Advanced Training in Formed Sea”.

OLM stands for “Office de la Mer et des Littoraux,” which is a French organization that provides training for boaters who want to improve their skills and knowledge in navigating through rough waters, particularly in waves and choppy conditions.

In this way the trainee learns how to pass big waves. I’ve posted more videos for you to enjoy like here, here and here.

Retrospective 2022 How to Pass Big Waves @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Boat
How to Pass Big Waves

This training is designed for experienced boaters who already have a basic understanding of boating techniques and safety practices while minimising the risks of accidents and injuries.

It makes it relevant for those who navigate in coastal or offshore waters, where the sea conditions can be unpredictable and challenging.

If you listen carefully you can grab some tips and advice. It is in French though and the author did not active subtitles.

This video was published on the OLM Perfectionnement Mer Formée YouTube channel.

Is the SuperRib Open 27 the Future?

SuperRib Open 27 Rather Innovative?

The video is again a job well done!

But I’m going to be honest. Whenever I read such a statement, in this case the “RIB of the future?”, I am more sceptical than usual.

Maybe you feel that way too because what is the future and how do you predict it?

Perhaps it’s a somewhat unfortunate choice of words and probably one to name as a differentiator from the competition for this SuperRIB Open 27.

I prefer to stick to “innovative” like, for instance, the new Mercury 600 V12.

I recently had the opportunity to experience this technology on a twin installation on a massive Technohull Omega 47. It’s really something else. More on that in a forthcoming article.

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