Contest: Your Best RIB Photo 2023 Closed

202310 Contest Your Best RIB Photo Closed @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Home
Contest Your Best RIB Photo 2023 Closed

Closed on October 26 at 23:59

The first edition of the 2023 RIB photo contest has come to a close. We received nearly 100 photos, of which 70 were approved to participate.

The jury is still deliberating until November 5th. In the latter part of November, we will announce the winners.

It’s an exciting time, and we can’t wait to reveal the talented photographers who captured the beauty of RIBs.

Afterward, we will share all the photos through a video that you can easily share.

It’s a fantastic way to spread the joy and passion for these wonderful images.

Stay tuned for the big announcement on!

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