Ultimate Boats New CNC Kuka Machines

Ultimate Boats - RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Boat
Ultimate Boats – two ‘state-of-the-art’ KUKA 5 axis CNC machines

“As part of our multi-million-pound investment commitment in Scotland; we have taken delivery of two ‘state-of-the-art’ KUKA 5 axis CNC machines and other high-tech equipment to elevate our production quality and efficiency to the next level! We’re not just building boats, we’re building Ultimate Boats!”

The All-New Skipper-BSK 38NC RIB

The All-New BSK Skipper 38NC RIB @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Boat
The All-New BSK Skipper 38NC RIB

Skipper’s Latest Product

Introducing the latest addition to their lineup, the 38NC embodies the essence of high performance and luxury—a pure delight for offshore enthusiasts.

The captivating images provided below offer a detailed exploration of the Rigid Inflatable Boat (RIB), allowing you to delve into its distinctive features and intricate design.

Take a closer look at these visuals to uncover a comprehensive understanding of the RIB’s form, functionality, and overall aesthetic appeal.



Amazing Fleet of GEMINI RIBs for Reserves Royal Navy

New Fleet of GEMINI RIBs for Reserves Royal Navy @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Boat

GEMINI RIBs for Reserves Royal Navy Impresses

Berthon RIB Solutions built six Rigid Hulled Inflatable Boats for the Royal Navy Reserve.

The rounded deep ‘V-shaped Gemini hull, heavy-duty collar, and shock mitigating seats offer excellent performance, comfort, and responsive handling at top speeds, especially in heavy seas.

The RIBs are expertly handled by CPO Stead and Lt Stapley-Bunten from HMSCalliope.

Commanding Officer Cdr Chris Bovill said, “this is a significant milestone in delivering maritime capability to the RNR.”

I’ve posted more videos and information of the Gemini brand here on RIBsONLY.com.

Proud to share that GEMINI Marine and novi marine are very good Friends of RIBs ONLY.


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