Preventing Fatigue: World Leading Ullman Seats

Preventing is the Focus

Traveling on high-speed boats can be physically draining due to the considerable energy expended, leading to fatigue and a decline in physical capabilities.

Ullman suspension seats offer a noteworthy reduction in energy consumption compared to fixed seating, a factor that plays a crucial role in mitigating exhaustion.

World Leading Ullman Seats Preventing Fatigue @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Home
Ullman seats preventing fatigue

Military personnel experience a significant decrease in running performance after high-speed transit when utilizing fixed seats.

In contrast, the use of Ullman Jockey Seats results in a 30.5% improvement in post-transit physical performance and endurance compared to fixed seats.

Beyond mitigating the risk of injury, Ullman Seats contribute to enhancing the operational performance of both boat crew and passengers.

This becomes particularly critical in situations where operators are tasked with military or lifesaving activities, as the distinction between being fatigued and alert could determine life or death.

You can find more examples of Ullman’s seats here on

So proud to share that Ullman Dynamics is a good Friend of RIBs ONLY.

This video was published on the Ullman Seats YouTube channel.

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