Zodiac Hurricane™ ZH-940 Yamaha Powered

Considered one of the finest RIBs on the planet, the Zodiac Hurricane range are the only boats used by discerning operators who need ruggedness and reliability.

Zodiac Milpro™ has more than 20,000 boats in daily use by over 80 military forces across the globe.

RIBs combine rigidity and speed with the security, stability, comfort and light weight qualities of traditional boats.

True “go anywhere” boats, they provide exceptional marine qualities combining a low centre of gravity to a deep V hull and a stabilizing buoyancy tube.

The patented MACH II (Military Air Channeled Hull II) hull design reduces resistance and enhances directional stability for increased speed, fuel economy and safety.

The hull is the most important part of the RIB.

Zodiac Hurricane™ offers high-speed RIBs since 1982. For more info follow this link.

Zodiac Hurricane™ ZH-1300 OB GDF Zodiac Milpro™ Official

Top Speed of 60 knots.

On board the Zodiac Hurricane ZH-1300 Interceptor Guardia di Finanza, it is powered with 4 x 425 hp outboards.

The Zodiac Hurricane™ boats are particularly adapted to a variety of mission profiles.

These include safety and security.

They are also suited for surveillance missions, boarding, and assault. Interdiction and pursuit are additional compatible profiles.

Their design is particularly adapted to ride in difficult sea conditions.

They can board all kinds of boats regularly. This is useful for Police control missions.

They are also known for long-lasting durability in RIBs.

I’ve published many Zodiac Milpro™ articles and videos here on RIBsONYL.com.

The advantages of Zodiac Hurricane™ RIBs to fulfill these missions are:


RIB Zodiac Hurricane™ ZH-1300 Mastering Strong Gale

The Immense ZH-1300

The Zodiac Hurricane™ ZH-1300 MACH II OB Interceptor is the newest and largest platform of the Zodiac Hurricane range and had its world debut in 2017.

Dubbed the Interceptor, the ZH-1300 demo boat shows the nimble manoeuvrability normally associated with smaller craft and addresses the needs of end users in the Military and Patrol boat market for larger platforms, with focus on speed, handling and stability.

This 13-meter platform is propelled by quad Mercury Verado 350 HP outboard engines. The boat is designed around an aluminum hull and deck, and features the MACH 2 stepped-hull design.

Based on proven 9- and 11-meter MACH II hull models, the larger size allows for higher payloads and additional deck space, while providing superior seakeeping and higher speed capability in rough water conditions.

RIB Zodiac Hurricane ZH-1300 Strong Gale @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Home
The Zodiac Hurricane ZH-1300 riding the gale

The patented hybrid shaped collar features round sections at the bow and D-shape sections in the aft two-thirds, while the Durarib patented foam and air technology design provides exceptional strength and impact resistance. The collar is also equipped with an auto-inflation system and integrated dive door.

You can enjoy more videos of this model by clicking here.

The video was published on the Zodiac Milpro international – Official YouTube channel.

Zodiac Hurricane™ ZH-1300 OB Interceptor – Zodiac Milpro Official

The Zodiac Hurricane™ ZH-1300 MACH II OB Interceptor is the newest and largest platform of the Zodiac Hurricane™ range and had its world debut in 2017.

Dubbed the Interceptor, the ZH-1300 demo boat shows the nimble maneuverability normally associated with smaller craft and addresses the needs of end users in the Military and Patrol boat market for larger platforms, with focus on speed, handling and stability.

This 13-meter platform is propelled by quad (4x) Mercury Verado 350 HP outboard engines.

The boat is designed around an aluminum hull and deck, and features the MACH 2 stepped-hull design.

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