Antoine’s Advanced RIB Course Chaussée de Sein

Advanced RIB Course

The video showcases Antoine from Brest, on a mission to improve his RIB (Rigid Inflatable Boat) handling skills in the tumultuous waters of the Raz and Chaussée de Sein.

It captures his dedication and determination to conquer challenging maritime conditions.

View Antoine’s progression from mastering basic boat control to acquiring nuanced techniques for navigating heavy seas.

Antoine’s unwavering passion and pursuit of mastery are an inspiration to all who share a love for the sea and its challenges.

Enjoy more videos of this training here and here.

Advanced RIB Course @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Home
Advanced RIB Course

Tnis video was published on the OLM Perfectionnement Mer Formée YouTube channel

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