78-year-old Gérard on the Raz de Sein RIB Training

>> 1 minute read time

Raz de Sein RIB Training in France

The OLM videos are often published on RIBsONLY.com (how-to-videos).

The organization offers various courses, often conducted in challenging sea conditions.

This often leads to the creation of exciting onboard videos for you to enjoy.

This level-2-training took place in the Raz de Sein, Ar-Men, France (Force 2 / Force 4)​.

This video was published on the OLM Perfectionnement Mer Formée YouTube channel

78-year-old Gérard on the Raz de Sein RIB Training @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Boat
78-year-old Gérard in the RIBCRAFT

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