Williams DieselJet 505 SOLAS Testing

I always find these kinds of tests very impressive and well worth watching. This time it’s a Williams RIB that is put to the test.

This video shows numerous tests a RIB must pass in order to be approved.

I have more videos of these kind of tests here on RIBs ONLY. Like this ones from GEMINI, Ribeye and Sportis to name a few.

This one is my absolute favourite. It’s a slam tests from a RIB … that never slams: it’s a Rafnar. Awesome video by our member Tom Bettle.

About these tests

SOLAS has been around for some time. The main objective of the SOLAS Convention is to specify minimum standards for the construction, equipment and operation of ships, compatible with their safety.

Custom SportJet 345 Williams RIB – Walkaround

This SportJet is Beautifully Customised

Williams Jet Tenders manufactures a substantial number of Rigid Inflatable Boats (RIBs) annually. Below is their description of this particular model.

“Featuring this exclusive Pearlescent colour flip paint job and it’s strongly contrasting upholstery in Hitch Cirulea. We’ve given this tender a special Carbon effect tube and of course, it wouldn’t be a custom tender if it didn’t come complete with bespoke brushed stainless steel.

All in all, these customisations make for a tender that is guaranteed to turn heads at sea.”

Custom SportJet 345 Williams RIB - Walkaround @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Boat
Carbon look tube

This video was published on the Williams Jet Tenders YouTube channel

I’ve posted more videos of this brand including other Sportjet models.

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