Chill English Channel Crossing with Highfield Boats

English Channel Crossing

Ever wondered how far your Highfield could really take you? Join this crew on an adventure over the English Channel! Featuring the Sport 760 and Patrol 760.

A small group of adventurers set of on a daring journey to cross the English Channel using Highfield RIBs.

The team members are seen preparing for the journey, checking their equipment, and making necessary arrangements.

As the journey starts, the video captures the breathtaking views of the English Channel.

The video also features stunning shots of dolphins adding to the sense of adventure and wonder.

Throughout the trip, the team shares their experiences, expressing their admiration for Highfield boats.

Chill English Channel Crossing Shot @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Boat
Chill English Channel Crossing Shot

The team also discusses the importance of safety measures, including wearing life jackets, using the attached kill cord and following proper procedures while crossing the Channel.

The video concludes with a reflection on the sense of accomplishment and fulfilment.

Proud to share that Highfield is a good Friend of RIBs ONLY.

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