RIB ZenPro 580 – Electric Rigid Inflatable Boat by Naviwatt in Action

The RIB ZenPro 580 was designed to be the most functional and exhilarating boat. Thanks to its optimized hull and electric propulsion system, the ZenPro is capable of everything in silence and comfort.

The Zenpro offers all the characteristics of the ideal boat for marinas.
More information on www.naviwatt.com.

2 Thoughts to “RIB ZenPro 580 – Electric Rigid Inflatable Boat by Naviwatt in Action”

  1. kirk cialfi

    How does the electric motor and batteries compare in weight to a four stroke of a similar output?

    1. Karel Overlaet, Medianaut

      What I know is that batteries weigh a lot. A Tesla Model X weighs around 2.487 kg which is far more than an average car in that category. Check out this video for your question: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKx4rfizEa0

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