This is Why People Like Images over Text

This is Why We Like Images over Text @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Home

The Power of Images

I have strategically chosen to build a substantial video and media library focused on Rigid Inflatable Boats here on

The blog currently boasts a collection of 1,968 RIB videos and 3,208 media items distributed across 2,163 posts and 41 articles.

It was always that choice from the beginning.

Based on the results of 22 studies, Matthew Dunn estimates image processing times to be between 13 ms and 150 ms, the time to process a sentence containing 25 words to be between 3.75 seconds and 7.5 seconds and to process a sentence with 8 words between 1.2 seconds and 2.4 seconds.

Utilizing those numbers, Dunn draws the conclusion that images are processed between 8 and 577 times faster than words and rounds it to between 6 and 600 times (source).

To show you the power of images enjoy these RIB jumping shots!

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