Sealegs 12 m Amphibious Cabin RIB

An Impressive Looking Amphibious Cabin RIB

The video showcases the Sealegs 12 m cabin Rigid Inflatable Boat (RIB) that is equipped with Sealegs’ most advanced commercial-grade amphibious system.

It includes a fully enclosed cabin with the sink in the cockpit and a 500-liter fuel tank, powering up to 1200 horsepower with twin outboard engines for maximum performance.

This 12 m RIB can be customised for both commercial and recreational purposes.

It was created in collaboration with Hall Marine and C4 Design.

This video was published on the Sealegs International YouTube channel.

You can find more info and videos of this brand in, Home of the Rigid Inflatable Boat.


Sealegs 12 m Amphibious Cabin RIB @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Boat
Sealegs 12 m Amphibious Cabin RIB
Length overall (wheels up)11.7m (38’ 4.6”)
Height3.533 m (11’ 7″) [wheels down], 2.843 m (9’ 3.9″) [wheels up]
Beam overall3.631 m (11’ 10.9”)
Hull deadrise at transom15 degrees
HullPlate 6 mm Marine Grade Aluminium, (5083)
Max passengers12 Persons, including driver
Fuel capacityPetrol below deck : 500 litre (132 U.S. Gallons)
Recommended/max. outboard2x 425 hp
On-land power inboard petrol engine94 hp (70 kW) 4-stroke, air cooled
Drive (land)All wheel drive, permanent with optional momentary diff lock
Brakes primary/dynamicHydrostatic emergency/automatic park – hydraulically released mechanical brake
SteeringPower steering with Sealegs Enhanced Power Steering
BatteriesHouse battery and twin start batteries
Seating optionsAvailable up to 12 Passengers

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