Hysucat 28 RIB Hydrofoil Catamaran

Hysucat boat manufacturing, is a company representing both a Rigid Inflatable Boat (RIB) and center console power catamarans.

This Hysucat 28 RIB Hydrofoil Catamaran operates on a unique hydrofoil system located between the hulls.

This system gives superior performance in stability, fuel efficiency and mono hull characteristics.

As the vessel starts to plane, the hydrodynamics of the system stabilize and create a powerful lift.

The RIB lifts and rides on the center foil while the stern foils stabilizes and ensures maneuverability.

2 Thoughts to “Hysucat 28 RIB Hydrofoil Catamaran”

  1. Terner

    The swimming Tiger Logo has been designed by Pedro Tomaz Rosa- Forgive Design for Jungle Net LDA .
    Reproduction of this Logo without Authorisation.

    1. Karel Overlaet, Medianaut

      Going through the comments to clean up I read yours. I embed the video in an iFrame that links back to the original.

      width=”853″ height=”480″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/Zbd1MvNfDno” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=””

      If Hysucat is in violation, do contact them.

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