Enigma Powerboats New British RIB Brand

Enigma Powerboats 38 ft RIB @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Boat
Enigma Powerboats 38 ft RIB

We received a press release from Enigma Powerboats. It is a new British Powerboat Manufacturer. The renderings show a very good-looking RIB. You can find the specs below.

The hull design with a triple ventilated step was created by naval architect Adam Younger. We all know then that it’s going to be a fast RIB with excellent behaviour. Petter Martens of Beserk Designs also joined the team for delivering a great RIB design. Both are members of RIBs ONLY.

So for their first RIB it looks very promising indeed.

Enigma launches a 38ft Super-RIB

After an extensive design and build programme, Enigma Powerboats Ltd. has launched its debut vessel, the Enigma 38. The first model has been produced as an open day boat, but the platform has been designed to be modular, with various configurations available.

“With the launch of the Enigma 38. we are moving Rigid Inflatable Boat design to a new level, with a huge focus on style. safety and usability. Inspired by super car aesthetics and quality, we have pushed beyond the boundaries of traditional super-rib design in all areas.

The Enigma 38 utilises an expansive 3.4m beam. allowing a diverse range of applications for a CAT-B offshore powerboat. capable of over 100mph. We are very excited to finally unveil the Enigma 38 and will shortly be commencing sea trial demonstrations.”- Debbie Hood, CEO

Contact Information: Enigma Powerboats Ltd., Debbie Hood, +44 7792 163487, debbie@enigmapowerboats.com, enigmapowerboats.com, Trafalgar Wharf, Portsmouth PO6 4PX.

All Enigma Powerboats include lifetime Anti Rot Guarantees. Check out more good looking renderings and the specs.

Enigma Powerboats 38 ft RIB @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Boat
Enigma Powerboats 38 ft RIB
Enigma Powerboats 38 ft RIB @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Boat
Enigma Powerboats 38 ft RIB


ManufacturerEnigma Powerboats Limited
Length11.5 m
HullAdam Younger Triple Ventilated Step
Hull buildGRP
Fuel740 l
Water150 l
EngineOutboard or inboard 2 x 300 hp – 3 x 450 hp
Ballast tankBow
Design CategoryB-Offshore

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