Osprey RIBs Collection Slideshow

Medianaut @ work by Anne Overlaet
Medianaut @ work by Anne Overlaet

An awesome Osprey RIBs Collection

Osprey RIBs are known for their excellent behaviour in rough waters.

At least that is what I concluded after seeing them in action during races on our North Sea for many years.

If maintained well, they keep a good value in the second hand market. I know at least two with a great palmares. Ofcourse they are also suited to entertain family and friends. But make no mistake, once unleashed they surprise each and every owner in a very positive way.

This slideshow is based on the Osprey RIBs Collection of one of our RIBs ONLY friend: bruggemarinecenter.be in Belgium, the land of beer, chocolate, French fries and too many politicians. Enjoy! Pictures received from Brugge Marine Center.

More slideshows to see on RIBsONLY.com.

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