The All New RIBs ONLY Blog Goes Live with Passion

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RIBs ONLY blog banner


RIBs Only started out as an enthusiastic, small online forum in 2008 as you can see in the screenshot below. At that time I had to decide to build a website (blog) or a Facebook group.

2008 Forum screenshot @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Boat
2008 RIBs ONLY Forum long before the RIBs ONLY Blog

Many years later, I made the leap and replaced it with this vibrant RIBs ONLY blog that captures my passion and love for Rigid Inflatable Boat (RIB).

I am so excited to have a platform to finally be able to share my passion and explore new ideas related to all things RIB related in a future oriented way.


I decided right away to build a strong Facebook community of RIB owners who are passionate about their boat, the sport, the adventures and sharing their knowledge with each other.

Luckily Facebook didn’t look anymore like 4 years before…

2004 Facebook screenshot
2004 Facebook screenshot

If you’re still unsure what a RIB is – go ahead and check out the well-selected sometimes amazing videos and feel the enthusiasm radiating from them!

So I look forward to providing you with the latest RIB news, reviews and tips as well as other relevant RIB related topics.

I hope this blog serves as an invaluable resource for those who explore on the wide open seas and waterways.

Follow me on this journey as I explore, learn and share my enthusiasm for RIBs with you, my precious audience.

Thanks for visiting and I hope you will find this blog enjoyable and useful.

RIBs ONLY Blog Package @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Boat
RIBs ONLY Blog community stuff

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