RIBs ONLY Facebook Group Outranks Apple’s Net Promoter Score

The NPS is a barometer for customer experience – Photo Pixabay

1. Survey for the Net Promoter Score

On October 22th 2019 I launched a survey in the RIBs ONLY Facebook group. The goal was to get a Net Promoter Score for the first time since 2017.

This tool aims to measure the loyalty that exists between a “provider” and a “consumer”. It’s all about the customer experience.

I was very curious to know how you would perceive our group.

2. What is NPS?

Net Promoter Score is a number from -100 to 100. Scores higher than 0 are typically considered to be good and scores above 50 are considered to be excellent.

The question for you was:

NPS vraag @ RIBs ONLY - Home of the Rigid Inflatable Boat
NPS question RIBs ONLY

3. Thank you Excel

I gathered the data and used an Excel template to calculate the score. The result is not a percentage, nor an average or median. In other words the higher the number the more satisfied the “customers” are. Here it’s of course the members.

4. Net Promoter Score for RIBs ONLY

Score 10
Illustration Pixabay

As Excel did its thing in microseconds, the NPS score turned out to be 82.

I was pleasantly surprised because the NPS was beyond my imagination: an NPS of 82 … wow!

Why is this such a fantastic score?

5. In Tentative Comparison

Well, Apple has a NPS of nearly 50 (at this moment) which is considered to be very good. I choose Apple as a benchmark because many of you visit our Facebook group and RIBsONLY.com by iPhone.

An NPS of 82 is very high because a lot of members gave our RIBs ONLY Facebook group a 10 on the question mentioned above. And more … RIBs ONLY has a lot of ambassadors, enthousiastic members that invite friends.


So RIBs ONLY outranks Apple, Microsoft, Google and many more in NPS.

Am I awake?

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